Survey results published this week found that the majority of parents report carpooling with their 4 to 8 year-old children. About three-quarters (76%) of those carpooling parents reported that their child used a booster seat when riding in the family car. But when carpooling–the seats were used far less often. For example, the survey found […]
What Does TV Do To My Kid's Brain?
If you want to understand more about the effects of television on the brain, you need to watch this TEDx talk by Dr Dimitri Christakis…the science around television and its effect on children and concentration astound me. Not because any of it is counter-intuitive, but because television is as powerful as it is. Television is a […]
Learning To Lose?
We spent a fair bit of our time on vacation last week playing two games with the boys: UNO and Spot It. Our son F is wholly competitive; he likes to know all the answers and he likes to win. He really likes to play and giggles when things go his way or when throwing […]
Preschoolers: Movers And Shakers
The most amazing thing about vacation is how much time you get to spend outside and how much time you get to move. We’ve just returned from a week away where the boys spent the far majority of their days without a ceiling. Delicious. Sure, it’s easy to live outside when you’re on vacation. The […]
Preventing Scald Burns: Mama Doc 101
Scald burns are common injuries for young children that arise when our skin or our mouths and mucus membranes have contact with burning hot liquids or steam. Children under age 5 account for nearly 1 in every 5 burn victims each year in the United States. The bathroom and kitchen are the typical danger zones. […]
Pee, Patience, And Parenting At 35,000 Feet
Recently while on the plane, O wet his pants. Lovely really. He’d refused to pee prior to getting on the plane. Refused to pee at home. Essentially, O refused to pee “on command.” No surprise for a strong-willed-spirited just turned 3 year-old. And after he wet his pants, he then proceeded to have about 14 […]
7 Truths About The "Stomach Flu"
As we hit hour 40, heading into day 2 of vomitorium here at our house (O has been sick), I will suggest a couple of things I know as a mom and pediatrician about gastroenteritis or the “stomach flu”: Hand-washing and keeping things clean is your best defense from getting ill with a stomach bug. […]
What Is A Foreskin? Mama Doc 101
Caring for your son’s foreskin is pretty much a hands-off job. But knowing what is normal and how your son’s foreskin develops and changes over time is essential for every parent to a boy with an uncircumcised penis. In the beginning, during infancy, your son’s uncircumcised penis needs no special care. The foreskin is a […]
Preventing Sexual Abuse: Seattle Mama Doc 101
With the Penn State tragedy and recent news out of Syracuse this past week, most parents have thought of, and/or worried about sexual abuse more than once this month. The wretched reality is, we will keep getting reminded about sexual abuse in children because it is so common. Thankfully, we can help our children define, get […]