Blog and Advice
Blog and Advice
Wait lists: Be Careful What You Wait For?
Welcome to wait list country. That sounds like some bad pick-up truck ad. But it’s true; Seattle is known for mountains, water, coffee, grunge, rain, evergreens, and the Space Needle. And then as it turns out, wait lists. I know what it feels like being stuck on a list. Hip deep stuck. Somewhere between the […]
100 Calories
While I’m talking about the red/orange/yellow rainbow spectrum used on food packaging to lure you into eating more, let me mention one great new study published today that may change your world. Especially if you have a child living in your house. If you acknowledge the finding that about 1 out of every 4 children […]
Constructing Snacks into Mini-Meals
Over the past 20 years, the amount of calories consumed by children from snacks has increased by 30%. Kids eat a third more calories everyday from snacks! What kids snack on certainly can reflect how their diet is shaped and how they grow. Plain and simple: snacks make us fatter by packing in lots of […]
Complex Problem: Raising A Child
I had the fortune of seeing Dr Atul Gawande speak last week in Seattle. Truth be told, I entirely invited myself. I heard there was a group from the hospital going and I begged my way in. I sat in the corner. Flashbacks to finding a seat in the junior high cafeteria. I made it […]
The Whine: Up To My Nose In Noise
Meet Luna, our dog. She looks overwhelmed this morning, doesn’t she? I think she is thinking about our short night of sleep sandwiched between a fine nighttime whine and an early morning whine. The whining in our house is overtaking me. Imagine me in a pile of virtual sound, covered up to my nose in […]
See Spot Run? Anterior Fontanelle, Part 2
The soft spot feels like an epicenter in O’s landscape. As every new parent gets to know their baby, the soft spot is just one of those places and spaces we come to know that makes our baby unique. I know O’s little spot is about to go away. Just another thing for me to […]
161 Years Later
Today while I was waiting for an elevator in downtown Seattle, a man whisked in front of me and another women to get in the elevator. The woman had on a fancy coat and red, powdery lipstick. She stopped me as I was getting in and said, “Oh, it’s going down.” I stopped and waited […]
Verbatim: The Wife
One little thing that really gets under my skin if you must know is the title, “The Wife.” When I hear it, it rings through me, moving and shifting my electrons in just the wrong way. I’m sure most of you wives or mothers out there on planet earth don’t really mind it. But I […]
Science Of The Soft Spot: The Anterior Fontanelle, Part 1
The soft spot on the top of my baby’s head is one of my favorite places to run my hand. I don’t know why exactly but it seems one of those places on him that truly represents his baby-hood. One way I know that his infancy isn’t quite gone and my baby days aren’t over […]