Blog and Advice
Blog and Advice
If It Were My Child: Use the Buddy System and Make a 3-Day Disaster Kit
These earthquakes (Haiti, Chile, California, China) are freaking me out. So did reading this article. Later this month, you get to see my complete video blog of my effort to make a 3-day disaster kit, a disaster packet for my F’s preschool, my interpretation of what you need particularly for kids, and watch me ready […]
Reading & Talking, Sitting & Listening
I was never a very good reader when I was little. I really didn’t enjoy it like everyone else. As a child, I simply preferred to talk. My brother would sit for hours quietly reading while I’d work on making a lot of noise. Apparently, I have always felt I had a lot to say. […]
Nothing I Learned In Med School: On Parenting…
Stumbled upon an article summary last week, “Bad Behavior Linked to Poor Parenting.” I am going to call this BBLtPP. I clicked on the link with butterflies, hoping not to find something like: We’re following a pediatrician with 2 sons, one doctor husband, and one overweight Labrador who live in Seattle. She writes a blog. […]
Video: Infant Slings — Wonderful Way To Wear A Baby
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued a safety warning about the use of infant slings, particularly in babies under 4 months of age. Watch this video for more information. Not all slings are born the same, so inform yourself about great sling options and the bag-type slings to avoid. And look at the […]
Which Is It?
I spent the weekend lying around feeling like death on a cracker. And most of my mental thought other than, “Please, please go away, bug” was consumed by the question, “Which is it?” Food poisoning and a bad weekend for me or Gastroenteritis and a bad week for me, my O, my F, the husband, […]
Vitamin D: Vitamin Of The Year Part 2
Vitamin D is clearly important. And like I said earlier this week, it is getting all sorts of attention. Two studies from this week have captured my attention. I don’t think this vitamin D thing is a fad. The new (2008) recommendations for 400 International Units (IU) of daily Vitamin D in infants and children […]
Vitamin D: Seattle Vitamin Part 1
F calls it our, “Seattle Vitamin.” In the upper left hand corner of the US (read: Seattle) we’re a little lacking in sunshine. It’s a product of not only our rainy weather, but our latitude on the globe. New data finds that taking supplemental vitamin D may be more important for we mamas, we city […]
Seeking perspective and cure. If it’s true that life is all about your perspective, I know this Friday sunshine will help. This past week has been a total mind melting experience. Cloudy and cold, too. With my mom’s chemotherapy and subsequent complications, my perspective of medicine has changed again. Forever. Being the patient, or in […]
Tweet This, Cut That: Live Twitter Feed From The OR
Twurgery? On the right side of my screen I’m watching a live Twitter feed from Swedish Hospital in Seattle. Tweeting commenced soon after 8am this morning and was performed by 4 observers in an operating room in Seattle. Those 4 observers were in the presence of a surgical team who was performing a tumor resection […]