Is it on that ever-present, ever-too-long to-do list of life? Can you bring it up in the queue? This week I did a segment (above) where I showed my actual emergency kit and talked about ways to start making your plan. But really, this isn’t just about the kit. It’s about preparing your family for […]
Girls In The News: Beyonce, Bikinis, And Breast Milk Baby
Girls in the news…It just has to get better than this. I’m a bit deflated with the amount of time and energy going into three stories this past week or so. Last week it was the push-up-padded-bra bikini marketed to young girls (age 8 years) from a big retailer in the US. The company has […]
Colic, Crying, And The Period of PURPLE Crying
Every infant cries. It’s a part of being a newborn, yet infant crying still puts many of us on edge. As parents, we want to calm our babies and prevent crying; it’s simply instinctive to want to make it go away. The period of time when our babies cry most (between 1-2 months of age) […]
New Rule: Be Without a Ceiling
I’ve got a new rule. And this is coming from a woman who grew up in Minnesota and who lives in Seattle. I’m stating clearly first: weather is no excuse. I’ve talked in many places on this blog about the reality that there are only a few “rights” to parenting. In my opinion, as a […]
2 is Now Officially The New 1: Rear Facing Car Seats Until Age 2
**The American Academy of Pediatrics has updated their recommendations since this blog published in 2011. Children should ride in rear-facing car seats until they reach the height or weight limit provided by the car seat manufacturer. This is likely well past age 2. To view the new guidelines and data, click here.** Did you hear […]
Radiation Disasters And Children: Why No Potassium Iodide Now
There is a lot of talk about radiation and radiation effects because of the ongoing tragedy in Japan. It’s a bit overwhelming and confusing, to say the least. Ultimately, fear motivates us to act in bizarre ways and this current catastrophe in Japan is no exception. I find myself a bit nauseated when my mind […]
Recently, I started asking a standard question, exactly the same way, to children during their 3 to 10 year old check-ups. This wasn’t premeditated. Like all physicians, I go through phases of what I ask kids to elicit their experiences and beliefs, listen to their language and observe their development. I learn a lot about […]
Japan Tsunami: Reminder For Parents To Prepare
I was up until nearly 1:30am today watching the Tsunami in Japan live online. Terrible for the psyche and hard on the heart, I simply couldn’t stop watching it unfold. It’s utterly terrifying to imagine the devastation and separation that catastrophic events like this cause for people. In the face of this terrible news, there […]
Smoking At The Movies: Even When It's PG
This week, Paramount released a new animated film entitled Rango. A film full of reptiles with cowboy-type roles, strong voices and adult choices. It’s an animated film marketed to and geared for kids and families. It’s rated PG. In the television trailer I saw last night, they specifically dubbed it a “family movie.” The movie […]