My phone wasn’t working well today so I stood in line at the “genius” bar this afternoon to resolve the problem. To be clear, that was 2 1/2 hours ago and I’m home with the promise from a very nice genius that it would be activated by the time I reached my home. It didn’t […]
Mama Doc 101: Introduction of Solids
If It Were My Child: No Texting And Driving
Warning: this is a rant. Recently I was on my way to meet a physician for coffee to talk about my work in social media and health. While driving in front of Children’s Hospital, I saw a car going more slowly than I’d expect, changing the traffic patterns. We stopped at the light, it turned […]
Introducing Seattle Mama Doc 101
Pile On The Paperwork: Vaccine Exemption In WA State
I’m happy about a new pile of paperwork coming my way. To be clear, I’ve never said this before. But I’m serious. Instead of stewing controversy, I suspect a new bill around here could open up lines of communication. I’m not living under a rock; I understand that some feel this new bill requiring signatures […]
Location, Location, Location: Where You Get A Pediatric CT Matters
After I saw reports of the 5-fold increase in CT scans in children, I asked for “The Husband’s” take. I worry about a rise in the use of pediatric CT scans in the US because when a child gets scanned, they are being exposed to radiation. A CT scan is a series of x-rays taken […]
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother’s Day. If anything, holidays like today place a stamp on this day amidst the irrevocable march of time. Photos, cards, gifts, mentions, and memories..a moment or day where we reflect, compare, and remember with those from the past. Last year on Mother’s Day it was […]
Finding Friends Online
As I work to encourage more physicians and health care workers to join me in social media, I stopped yesterday, to reflect on how much I enjoy and have grown personally and professionally because of my online community. Social media tools certainly aren’t just about what I say–my community online is far more about what […]
Pull Ups and Potty Training
My take on Pull Ups: get out of them as soon as possible! Easier said than done, of course. Bed wetting is a common challenge for children (and their families). If your child is wetting the bed you certainly know that may be the understatement of the week. You’re not alone in your struggle to […]