On May 16, 2011 Reader Jenny asked: ” What is the developmentally appropriate time to allow kids to have cell phones?” Thank you Jenny for your suggestion. If you have a question or topic suggestion for the Seattle Mama Doc 101 video series please leave a comment here.
If It Were My Child: A Pediatric ER When Possible
A joint statement published in 2009 by the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine, American College of Emergency Physicians Pediatric Committee, and Emergency Nurses Association Pediatric Committee spelled out the need for reform in emergency care when it comes to caring for children. The bottom line is this: if your child has […]
Forever My Baby
Being a parent is entirely overwhelming. Yes I know, we hold it together about 99.9% of the time, but there are these little windows where our fractures are evident. Or where our Mama/Papa-Achilles is wide open, taught and stretched. Or the beats of time where we get to let our knees buckle beneath the weight […]
5 Things We Shouldn't Do
I really want you to trust your child’s doctor. I really want them to trust you, too. Partnership is key to any relationship. Recently an article was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine entitled The “Top 5” Lists in Primary Care. It sounded more like a blog post than an article. In media summaries, […]
Seattle Mama Doc 101: Teen Texting when Driving
Autism Screening At 1 Year Check Up?
A recently published study proposed and evaluated a new autism screening checklist for the 1-year well baby check-up. I had a hard time getting my hands on the study (crazy but true–even pediatricians sometimes are boxed out of research studies), but read lots about it first in the press. I was excited about the potential […]
The Differences
While I was at my 15-year college reunion this weekend, I found myself repeatedly describing my boys to old friends and peers who had never met them. I told variant stories, but ultimately spent time on their differences. The contrast helps illuminate their truths. Eventually, it became clear that the easiest way was this: The […]
Seattle Mama Doc 101: Baby Proofing Your House
I'm A Physician On Twitter: Patient Privacy
On Monday night, Dr Bryan Vartabedian, a pediatric gastroenterologist in Texas, wrote a blog post about physician behavior on Twitter. In the world of health and social media, it’s caused a near nuclear explosion of thought, an outpouring of opinion, and most importantly a much-needed discussion. Discourse is perfect for progress. I think about this […]