I’m taking an online sabbatical this month. Consider this an act of both self-reflection and self-awareness but also an act of self-preservation. As any blogger knows, blogging every few days, taking photographs daily, approving and responding to comments 24 hours a day (7 days a week), while authoring content in your head every few paces, is an […]
Varicella Vaccine: It Works
I don’t diagnose Chickenpox often. I’ve seen patients with Chickenpox only a handful of times since I started medical school in 1998. Auspiciously, there simply haven’t been many children to serve as my teachers. Varicella virus causes Chickenpox and there’s a vaccine for that. So, like Smallpox or Polio, I’ve been forced to learn a lot about […]
Protecting Infants From The Sun: Seattle Mama Doc 101
Here’s why to avoid sunscreen for babies under 6 months (when you can) and ways to protect babies from the sun. For more on protecting your baby and children from the sun read: New Insights on Infant and Toddler Skin (A 2011 Pediatrics article) AAP’s Sun Safety page Protecting Children in the Sun: Sunscreen basics […]
First Movie With My 4 Year Old
I’ve had media on my mind lately. And Finn McMissile, I’ve got my eye on you. We took F (age 4 1/2 years) to his first movie about a month ago. It is something we’ve been talking about for over a year. He’d built up a sense of anticipation that we could have bottled. F […]
Partnerships In Health Care
I got a parking ticket today. It was worth every penny. The logistics behind why I was in the wrong spot don’t matter (do they??). What does matter is the fact that I made a conscious decision at 10:30am that I was happy to pay the fee that was going to be coming my way […]
A View Into Driving With Grandma
Grandma shouldn’t get such a bad rap. A study published this week found that kids were safer riding in a car with a grandparent behind the wheel than with Mom or Dad. Researchers evaluated data from crashes that occurred between Jan 2003 to November 2007. What they found defies my intuition: children were injured less with […]
Seattle Mama Doc 101: Teething and Fever
My take on teething & fever in the above video. What is your baby’s favorite thing to chew on? Do you have any advice for parents with teething babies? And, do you disagree with the data–do you think your baby has/had fever from teething? More information on FDA recalls: Why I say No Teething Tablets […]
Potty Training: Reward Chart Glory
Maaaaaaajor milestone in our house today. O filled up his first reward chart for potting training. Even bigger, last night just before he went to bed, O and I discussed that he only had two spaces left on the chart. Once filled, he gets a special trip to the toy store. Although seemingly unclear about […]
A Single Moment
Consider this an intermission. A moment where I have no wisdom to share, no knowledge or research I’m compelled to report, and no breaking news I feel I have to detail. This is a day where those words don’t come easily for me and thus I’ll give you a brief intermission. The reason? I’ve heard […]