After a great day in clinic yesterday, I was up until nearly 2am this morning tidying my email inbox, meeting some deadlines, and readying for a talk tonight on work and life and finding balance. The timing of this talk bleeds irony, I know. I also acknowledge I’ve already used up my one night allowance of […]
5 Things From My Online Sabbatical
There are 5 things I took with me from my online sabbatical in August. Know, however, I didn’t do as stellar of a job staying offline as I’d hoped and the 5 things are harder to hold onto than those numbers you see me grasping right there. I’d envisioned an entire month like the family […]
Every Teen Needs A Yearly Physical
HPV Vaccine Safety
The current conversation about HPV vaccine is a perfect example that anecdotes about health are powerful. My belief: anecdotes with evidence can be more powerful. I am going to write a series of blog posts about HPV virus and HPV vaccine. Please tell me what you want to know. What questions do you have about […]
Fast-Paced Media And 4 Year-Olds: Cartoons On The Brain
A new study, along with an incredible editorial, was published today in Pediatrics about the effects of watching fast-paced cartoons on the attention and working memory of 4 year-olds. It’s basically a Spongebob versus Crayola versus Caillou show-down. At least it feels that way in the media summaries today. And thus, it’s bound to hit the front […]
What Can Babies Do At 12 Months? Seattle Mama Doc 101
I found my sons’ first birthdays very emotional. Magical, even. Looking back provided great perspective on how much can happen in 1 year of time. What our children accomplish in the first 12 months is simply astonishing. Expected milestones at 1 year of age: AAP’s comprehensive summary of 12 Month Milestones CDC’s Important Milestones By The End […]
Can We Prioritize Sleep?
I wonder, can we prioritize sleep? I mean this sincerely. Can we really value it? Sleep is one of the essential parts of being human yet unlike some of the other essential things (think food, exercise, oxygen, or shelter) no one seems to give us credit when we sleep. Come about age 11, kids start […]
August Looked Like This
Here’s a window into the time I had while away from the blog this past month. I’m so thankful I took this break and spent so much time with my boys when outside of clinic. Unplugging has turned into the ultimate luxury…
Back to School – Seattle Mama Doc 101
Back to school is an exciting, albeit stressful time. If your kids are school age, have your kids take the Stress-o-Meter quiz. I’d even suggest you have them take it today and then take it again in a few weeks to compare. The beauty of the test is that not only does the stress-o-meter measure stress symptoms, it […]