We’re all looking for little tidbits and rituals to insert into our busy lives that actually help in that quest to have life run smoothly. I suspect The Saturday Box is one ritual worth considering. I’m not saying that my parents did it all right (ahem….no), but circa 1983, I think the Saturday Box exceeded […]
Four Hours On A School Bus
A good friend wrote a “secret, imaginary blog post” and sent it my way. I realized instantly it was a real blog post. But to protect her son and allow the imaginary (blog) to become real, she called upon her childhood and the beloved author Judy Blume, for help. She chose the pen name Veronica: […]
Avoiding Antibiotics Whenever Possible: Less Is More
I work hard (as do most doctors) to avoid prescribing antibiotics when unnecessary. The reason? I’m concerned about both the short term effects (diarrhea, rash, allergies) and long term effects (drug resistance, altered normal bacteria and microbes on our bodies) of antibiotic use in children. As we learn more about health and about the role of […]
How To Dose Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen
Earlier this year, the FDA recommended the discontinuation of infant acetaminophen drops. The goal was to minimize confusion by only making acetaminophen (aka Tylenol) in one universal liquid strength for both babies and older children. However, because the FDA provided a recommendation and not a mandate, there are currently two different liquid acetaminophen preparations on […]
Halloween: Wicked Scary Tantrums
I like Halloween far more as an adult than I ever did as a child. At least that is how it feels now. Witnessing the excitement this year around casa Swanson has been a hoot. Not all easy though. Like I have mentioned before, holidays come with all sorts of novel stresses that our children […]
How Much Milk? Seattle Mama Doc 101
We don’t need cows to survive but their milk sure does provide us with a convenient source of calcium. The amount of milk our children need varies with age. I outline needs in the video but know this, as your child ages from a preschooler to a school-age child to a teenager, their calcium needs […]
Speaking Up In The Exam Room
I was in a cab yesterday afternoon. I’m at another conference this week and as I made my way to San Diego, I had to count on many people to keep me safe. From the pilot to the air traffic controller to the cab driver. We do this all of the time, of course–step into […]
What Is The Tdap Shot? Seattle Mama Doc 101
Tdap is a shot necessary for all adults and children starting at age 11 that protects against infections caused by Tetanus, Diptheria, and Pertussis (Whooping Cough). Because of increasing reports of Whooping Cough and increased infant deaths in the last 2 years, we are working hard to protect infants, children, adolescents and adults from Whooping […]
Traveling For Work
I’ve been traveling for a week. Please forgive the silences here. As you can imagine, I’ve been making lots of noise elsewhere. Since I left my little boys and husband early morning last Friday, I’ve been at the AAP national meeting in Boston where I met with many friends and peers, gave a talk at […]