I was disappointed to hear the news that Kathleen Sebelius blocked the FDA’s recommendation to make Plan B available to all girls, over-the-counter (OTC). Plan B is an oral tablet containing hormones (similar to what is in a birth control pill) that when taken within 1 to 3 days of unprotected sex, can prevent an […]
Getting It "Right": Birthdays In Mommyland
My quarterly crisis is rearing its very ugly head. See, it’s birthday season around here and while the boys’ birthdays overlap with the holiday season, I tend to feel an irrepressible need to reflect. Holidays and birthdays are momentous moments, but also markers of time. Places on the calendar and spaces in my heart for […]
How Much Salt Is Okay? Seattle Mama Doc 101
I’m a salt-fiend. I really really love it. I’d choose a pickle over a piece of cake any day. Problem is, I’m realizing my palate for the salt lick out ba
Happy And Thankful
Happy and thankful. The holiday served up a great reminder. Time offline, outside, and away from work is absolutely priceless. We should use all of our vacation time. We should fight fiercely to protect it. Thanksgiving reminded me that I am just so happy and thankful. For the holiday, we traveled to see F & O’s grandparents and the boys […]
Pediatricians' Conditional Comfort With Alternative Vaccine Schedules
I had coffee with Dr Doug Opel last week to discuss his study about pediatricians and alternative vaccine schedules that published today. I learned a lot while we spoke. There is great wisdom in what he said (below in the interview & on video) that extends far past what he learned in the study. Dr Opel […]
Establish Traditions: Seattle Mama Doc 101
Establishing traditions can be an incredible way to connect, mark time, and affirm a sense of well being in your family. You can establish any tradition you want–one of the rare perks of being a grown-up. Even if family circumstances change (a divorce or separation, a death in the family, a move to a new […]
Pediatricians Who Refuse Families Who Don't Immunize
I just responded to a New York Times “Armchair Ethicist” chat about pediatricians who refuse patients who don’t fully immunize. I realized my comment on their site belongs here on the blog. (my comment is number 79 but also copied below). What do you think about pediatricians who refuse patients who don’t follow the AAP […]
Why Doctors Fail To Change Behavior
Earlier this week I wrote a post about raising heart healthy children. The data summarized in that post may be the most important data I discuss all year when you consider that heart disease kills more of us than anything else. Thing is, I’m not surprised many of you haven’t read it. I expected it. […]
Live A Long Life: Avoiding Heart Disease
Late last week, The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published a 43 page expert panel report addressing ways to reduce risk from cardiovascular (heart) disease beginning with interventions in childhood. The panel report is based on a huge review of current medical evidence, yet the press focused mostly on 1 sentence from the thick report: […]