I’m so thankful and humbled by all of the comments and dialogue here on Seattle Mama Doc. Since the inception of the blog in 2009, we’ve had more than 1 million different readers. For that I remain somewhat amazed and also astonishingly grateful. I really love detailing what I learn about caring for children and […]
Peanut Brittle For Preggers
“Children appear to be less at risk for developing peanut or tree nut allergies if their mothers are not allergic and ate more nuts during pregnancy,” according to a study published today in JAMA Pediatrics. And although this doesn’t mean that you need to run out for the peanut brittle the minute you’re pregnant, it […]
Alcohol At The Holidays?
Our children are growing up with mixed messages about alcohol and drugs, at least that’s how it feels to me here in Washington. It seems to me we’re grappling with using pot and what to do with alcohol as a community. As our state legalized marijuana use this past year, we sent a big flare […]
Attempt To Maintain Mindful Gifting
It’s a commercial time of year, of course. It’s a challenge to help our children enjoy the holidays mindfully amidst all the products, gift-giving, and hopes for things. The rip-open-all-gifts urgency is seemingly innate to most young children. Amazing how our kids can stay on task when it involves opening awesome toys and gifts! It’s […]
Left To Chance With The iPotty
Someone didn’t believe me this AM when I said my children (5 & 7) have never turned on the TV themselves. It’s true — WendySueSwanson MD (@SeattleMamaDoc) December 5, 2013 I got in a heated discussion with a researcher last week. We were chatting about strategies to improve challenges with overweight and obesity. He mentioned […]
Simplifying Health Care
We all want simple solutions to living a healthy life. It feels like I was born at just the right time for my work in health care. I completed my medical training just as social tools were percolating out to the masses. Motherhood and my practice of pediatrics auspiciously coincided with the bounty of information […]
Yes, Vaccines Are Naturopathic!
This is a guest blog from Dr. Mary Alison Higi. Dr. Higi is a naturopathic physician in her final year of residency at Cascade Natural Medicine specializing in pediatrics under Dr. Candace Aasan. She studied at Bastyr University where she earned her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. She emphasizes the importance of the physician’s role in preventative […]
Engage With Grace Today
Engage With Grace is a movement started by brilliant and thoughtful Alex Drane and Matthew Holt. The movement is an opportunity to come together at Thanksgiving and have discussions, even just for 2 minutes, about preferences in life and preferences you have for the end of life. Even if you’re unsure of your answers, take […]
Inspiring Gratitude
Gratitude — appreciating the positive aspects of life — may not be an innate, spontaneous daily emotion to you or your children. Rather, appreciating what we have is a skill we cultivate, practice, and maintain. There is research that shows gratitude is far more than just a touchy-feely pop-psych term. In fact, people who practice […]