Don’t make a promise you can’t keep. Probably something your mother told you. I’m not pointing my finger, but I often tell this to families in anticipation of a pediatrician’s visit, too. Do your best not to promise “no shots” prior to a visit. Although you may think your child is “up to date” on shots, they may not be. Or, the pediatrician may order a blood study (seems like a shot to a child) or injection that you’re not anticipating. And then we’re all in a sticky situation. Trust broken.
Well the same goes for your pediatrician (or for this one), at least. Unfortunately, I’ve been making promises I can’t keep, too.
Recommendations for Prevnar, a vaccine used in infants and toddlers to protect against pneumococcal disesase, have recently changed. The vaccine is given at 2,4,6, and 12 to 15 months of age to protect infants and children from serious infections like bloodstream infections, pneumonia, or meningitis. Prevnar prevents some more minor infections like ear infections, as well. The vaccine previously (Prevnar 7) covered 7 strains of the bacteria that are most likely to cause serious or invasive disease. This year, the vaccine grew up. Now instead of just 7 strains, the vaccine contains 13 strains of the bacteria to improve protection to infants and children. All infants and toddlers getting their routine shots will get Prevnar 13. But if your child is under age 5 and previously completed their Prevnar series, it’s recommended they get one more catch-up dose. Therefore, don’t be surprised when your pediatrician mentions an additional dose for your preschooler at the next visit.
Clearly, no one likes to get shots, but pediatricians often spend a large part of their day writing orders for them. Prevention is one of the best things we do for children; immunizations are a major pillar. I’ve said to many people, “Outside of connecting and listening to family’s concerns, writing orders for shots is the most important thing I do when I go to work.”
No matter what your profession or job, delivering good news is a cherished part of the work day. I loved telling the parents to 18 month olds, “After shots today, no routine immunizations other than yearly flu shots until the pre-kindergarten shots at age 4.” But I was making promises I can’t keep. So I’m changing my ways. Will you?
DrV says
After they visit me shots become the lesser evil. They then want to know, ‘will he have to look at my bottom again?’ : (
Wendy Sue Swanson, MD says
Yes, true, true, true Dr V!!
Viki says
Hah, Dr V, you read my mind. We separate shots, so my son gets 1-2 per month. But nothing upsets him like a visit to the gastroenterologist. He’s always so hopeful that we’re only going to stop to see the fish in the lobby and turn around.
Katie says
Don’t worry, Dr. Swanson, we still trust you AND we know that recommendations change. I never promise Will that he won’t have to have shots before an appointment, because, as you said, you just never know.
Probably the hardest part of being a parent (whether its sleep training, discipline, medical treatments, etc.) is doing what’s right for our kiddos even if they don’t like it. It’s hard to see our children as anything other than happy, and making them cry. . . ugh. But the consequences of not doing these things will make them far unhappier in the long run. So, the promise that I make my children is that I will do what’s best for them, even if it’s not the easiest thing to do at the time. And that’s a promise that I intend to keep.